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Awareness on Nature: A Call to Action for Nature Conservation

The art project titled "Awareness on Nature" features silkscreen prints and handmade linocut seals presented in the form of an installation. The exhibition is designed to be interactive, encouraging visitors to engage with the artwork by marking their attendance with one of the seals provided by the artist.

The silkscreen prints are inspired by the beauty of wood and trees. They are meticulously crafted with great attention to detail to capture the intricacies of the natural world. Each print serves as a reminder of the importance of preserving and protecting our environment, and highlights the delicate balance that exists between humans and nature.

The handmade linocut seals are equally unique and meaningful. They come in different figures, each representing an aspect of nature that the artist hopes to evoke in the viewer. The seals serve as a powerful symbol of our connection to nature, and how we can all play a role in safeguarding it for future generations.

The installation as a whole is a celebration of nature, designed to inspire visitors to appreciate the natural world around them and to take action to protect it. By encouraging visitors to interact with the artwork, the artist hopes to promote a deeper connection to the environment and spark a conversation about the importance of conservation and sustainability.

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